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Energy Efficiency

The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) is India’s action plan to mitigate Climate Change. National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) is one of the missions under NAPCC that aims at achieving energy efficiency through four national level schemes namely:

  • Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency
  • Perform, Achieve and Trade(PAT)
  • Energy Efficiency Financing Platform
  • Framework for Energy Efficient Economic Development

At ‘The EcoPreneurs’ we provide whole range of services from advice to implementation under one roof. Below are the list of areas in which we offer Policy Formulation, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (audit & reporting).

We provide energy audits for companies, buildings, factories, offices and more. Our team will conduct extensive inspection, surveillance and analysis of the installations and will give recommendations on upgrades with detailed and in-depth analysis of the site. Our services include:

  • Preliminary Audit
  • Detailed Audit
  • Baseline Energy Audit
Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) is a market based mechanism to enhance the cost effectiveness in improving the Energy Efficiency in Energy Intensive industries through certification of energy saving which can be traded. Our services include:

  • Establishing baseline
  • Identifying target
  • Detailed energy audit
  • Gap analysis between targets and baseline
  • Implementation: Measures to meet targets
  • Availing ESCerts
  • Facilitation in trading of ESCerts
  • Measurement & Verification
  • Energy Efficiency Financing
  • Planning for PAT compliance

To know more about PAT Mechanism click here.

India’s most establishments, hospitals, buildings and industries are highly energy inefficient and have significant potential for power saving resulting in huge cost saving! Our team

  • helps you to identify inefficiency.
  • prepares comprehensive plan to minimize losses.
  • identify investors to invest on your behalf on these energy saving opportunities so that you don’t have to spend money to achieve savings.
We provide complete blueprint and channels for entering the Indian market. This assistance can be in terms of providing in-depth intelligence about the Indian energy efficiency space, and assistance in setting up their India operations.