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Ecopreneurs In News | The EcoPreneurs
406, 2017

Sustainability Disclosure and Reporting

By |June 4th, 2017|Clean Energy News, Ecopreneurs in news|0 Comments

406, 2017

Research Publications by TheEcopreneurs Team

By |June 4th, 2017|Ecopreneurs in news, Research by ecopreneurs|0 Comments

Seema Gupta and Chandra Prakash Bhatt. “Evaluating Efficient Sustainable Performance of BRICS and Neighboring Countries using Data Envelopment Analysis”, BULMIM Journal of Management & Research (ISSN: 2455-3298), 2016, vol. 1(2), 119-127.

Seema Gupta and Chandra Prakash Bhatt, “Performance Assessment of 52 Countries Across the Globe in Retail Sector and Ranking Based on TOPSIS” Retail Marketing in […]

103, 2016

Technology Management

By |March 1st, 2016|Ecopreneurs in news, IPR News, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Mr. Chandra P Bhatt and Ms. Seema Gupta presented a paper titled “Performance Assessment of 52 Countries across the Globe in Retail Sector and Ranking based on TOPSIS” at Indian Retail Conference in India International Centre.

1102, 2016


By |February 11th, 2016|Ecopreneurs in news, IPR News, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Ms. Seema Gupta invited at TIFAC 29th Foundation Day for being alumni as Women Scientist in IPR!

1001, 2016


By |January 10th, 2016|Clean Energy News, Ecopreneurs in news|0 Comments

Ms. Seema Gupta and Mr. Chandra Prakash Bhatt presented a Research Paper titled Evaluating Efficient Sustainable Performance of BRICS and Neighboring Countries using Data Envelopment Analysis in the International Conference on “Managing Sustainable Growth” held at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Usha & Lakshami Mittal Institute of Management ,New Delhi on 9 January 2016.