Sustainable development is a vision and a way of thinking and acting so that we can secure the resources and environment for our future generation. Sustainability is a process of caring about others as well, while taking care of oneself. It remind me the Indian tradition- “sharing is best way of living”. In sustainability this sharing is with respect to use of resources natural as well as industrial with nature and society. This sharing is necessity for our children and their children and all coming generations to live their life with the resources we are having right now. It’s not the one who has polluted will suffer at the end only but everybody sooner or later will get the pain of not living in harmony with society and nature. Thus we must think about it from a point of view that it is required for our own benefit and not for charity.
Our contribution to sustainable development could be as small as taking care of our kitchen garden with natural manure or switching off fans and lights when not in use. For corporate, it could be making using solar panels for electricity generation or using biodegradable stationary. It could be recycling or proper disposal of waste and after use products.
Anywhere we are, whatever our endeavor is, we must go for sustainable development in our own domain for betterment of our gennext!
- Ms Seema Gupta
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